ArtEd 2520 Final Essay

For this class, I mostly enjoyed the photography portion of it. The first half of the semester, I learned a lot about photography and I really enjoyed it more than I thought I would. I took this course because I love most kinds of digital art but besides helping my sister be the photographer at a wedding one time I did not know too much about the photography world. I found everything that I learned fascinating. Most of my interaction with photoshop was on the digital painting side of things, so it was nice to learn some of the functions that photoshop was actually built for. Since I could potentially be going into the design field, I do feel that the things I learned in this class will be beneficial to me professionally.

The second half of the semester on the other hand, I did not find as interesting. Especially when it came to the video portion. This is strictly personal and I definitely understand the purpose of including it in the course. While I do not have the most experience in the world with video editing, I am familiar enough with it that the introduction to iMovie was not very motivating. I have produced many short movies and I haven’t used iMovie since about 8th grade. You can see at least 1 of my more recent projects here (and read the not for the wedding video as that is more of a “Director’s Cut” than actually making the movie because I did not do much with that).

One thing that I had hoped for with this class based on the description when I was signing up for classes would be that it would have more to deal with illustrations. Outside of drawing for our storyboards, we did not do any drawing for this class and I would have like to have done more.

As far as my identity is concerned, I do not feel that it has changed through this semester. My aim within the projects to show my identity was to do what I thought I would enjoy, but I found trying to make it tie back to my “identity” to be burdensome and hindering. Because I was trying to tie everything back to my identity, it limited what I would do because I would overthink the assumptions that would be made based on my work and that limited me since I am a very reserved person. I did not want to show myself too much so I would not do somethings. I think if the projects were just described as doing what you think is interesting rather than labeling as it being part of your “identity” would have been much better. I guess my perception of people showing their identity is polluted.

By and large, I did learn and enjoy this class. I will be taking some of the talents, skills and techniques that I learned with me for my professional career and I am thankful that I took it.

If you would like to see some of the pictures I have taken you can look here as well as some illustrations that I have done here.